[르꼬르동블루]르꼬르동블루 요리학과 교과과정 세부 설명
Le Cordon Bleu - Basic Cuisine (기초반)
Course code: THH 11102, Certificate I in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) The Le Cordon Bleu Basic Cuisine course opens the door to the adventures and traditions of French cuisine. Students also learn how to use and integrate condiments, herbs and spices into their recipes producing a variety of flavors which complement the dishes prepared.
French Study Modules Introduction to French cuisine 프랑스 요리 French classic cooking techniques 프랑스 전통요리 기술 Variations on cooking methods 요리 방법의 변화 Food preparation and mise en place 음식 준비법 Vegetable preparations and cutting 채소 준비 및 채썰기 이론 Basic stocks and sauces 음식 재료와 소스 이론 Meat, seafood and poultry techniques and recipes 고기, 해산물, 가금의 요리 기술 및 재료법 Commonly used French terms and definitions 프랑스 요리 언어이론
Imbedded within the basic cuisine programs are the following Australian qualification- study modules
THHBKA01B- Organise and prepare food 음식관리 및 재료준비 THHBKA02B- Present food 음식 소개 THHBKA03B-Receive and store kitchen supplies THHBKA04B- Clean and maintain kitchen premises THHCOR01B- Work with colleagues and customers THHCOR02B- Follow health, safety and security procedures THHCO01B- Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge THHGHS01B- Follow workplace hygiene procedures THHBCC01B- Use basic methods of cookery
Le Cordon Bleu- Intermediate cuisine (중급반)
Course code: THH22002, Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) The Intermediate Cuisine Course introduces you to the heart of French cuisine- classic French regional dishes that reflect and exemplify the more complicated application of the techniques at the Basic level. Through practice and repetition, you begin to perform tasks more easily and instinctively.
French Study Modules Product origins; influences on regional cuisine 음식 재료 원산지 및 지방요리 이론 Hors d’oevres, canapés and appetizers 에페타이저 Classic French stocks, soups and sauces 호주 전통요리 재료, 스프 소스 만드는 법 Vegetables, eggs and farinaceous dishes 야채, 계란 및 곡식가루로 만드는 요리이론 Meat, including preparation of poultry and game 가금을 포함한 고기요리 Fish and shellfish 물고기와 조개요리 Hot and cold desserts 디저트 French pastry and cakes 프랑스 제빵 및 케이크 굽는 기술 Presentation 프레젠테이션, 발표회
Imbedded within the Intermediate Cuisine programs are the following Australian qualificationstudy modules
THHCCH01A-Prepare, cook and serve food THHBCC08B- Prepare hot and cold deserserts THHBCC09B- Prepare pastry, cakes and yeast goods THHBCC11B-Implement food safety procedures THHGGA01B- Communicate on the telephone THHGTRO01B-Coach others in job skills THHBCC02B- Prepare appetizers and salads THHBCC03B- Prepare stocks, sauces and soups THHBCC04B- Prepare vegetables, eggs, and farinaceous dishes THHBCC05B- Prepare and cook poultry and game THHBCC07B- Select, prepare and cook meat
Le Cordon Bleu Superior Cuisine (전문직, 고급반)
Course code: THH31502, Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
The superior cuisine course exposes you to the evolution of French cuisine today, and its integration into Australian contemporary cuisine. Students learn the intricacies of dishes that will be required at the highest level of food production for contemporary and haute cuisine menus. Classical and contemporary dishes are included along with the traditional and modern cooking methods and presentations, combining seasonal and Australian contemporary variations and influences. Again the emphasis is on the recipes and the menu.
French Study modules Classical French and contemporary Australian cuisine 호주 전통요리와 호주의 현대음식 Mastery of intricate French techniques and methods 프랑스 요리의 기술 및 방법 Classical French pates and terrines 전통 프랑스 요리 pate (파테) 와 질그릇단지 Mastery of decoration and presentation 요리 장식 및 프레젠테이션 Cheese analysis 치즈에 관한 이론분석 Seasonal and market influences on cuisine 음식에 미치는 계절 및 마켓 영향 Appreciation of menu influences 음식 메뉴에 미치는 영향
Imbedded within the Superior Cuisine programs are the following Australian qualification- study modules
THHGCS02B- Promote products and services to customers THHGGC03B- Deal with conflict situations THHBCC13B- Plan and control menu-based catering THHBCAT01B-Prepare foods according to dietary and cultural needs THHCCH02A- Prepare, cook and serve food for menus THHBCC06B- Prepare and cook seafood 해산요리 준비과정 THHBCC10B- Plan and prepare food for buffets 뷔페 음식 계획 및 준비과정 THHADCC08B- Select, prepare and serve specialty cuisines THHADCC05B- Handle and serve cheese 치즈를 다루는 기술법 THHBFB11B- Develop and update food and beverage knowledge
Course code: THH41502, Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Menu Engineering Restaurant Control Systems Restaurant Financial Management 1 Restaurant Quality Systems Health & Safety Risk Management Human Resource Management 1
Course code: THH51502, Diploma in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Restaurant Financial Management 2 Restaurant Management Business Law and Relationships Human Resource Management 2 Management 1
