호주도우미 - (유학펜)

[호주르꼬르동블루]아들레이드캠퍼스 요리 제과제빵과정안내 본문


[호주르꼬르동블루]아들레이드캠퍼스 요리 제과제빵과정안내

uhakpen 2013. 1. 2. 09:21

 [호주르꼬르동블루]아들레이드캠퍼스  요리 제과제빵과정안내




◆ 입학시기 : 1,7월


◆ 기간 : 2년

일주일에 5일 수업이며 2년에 걸친 코스입니다.

각 스테이지 별 실습과 이론 수업이 시드니 캠퍼스와 마찬가지로 나눠지는데
각 2개월씩 3단계로 나눠서 시드니와 동일하게 실습 위주의 수업이 이루어지며
유급실습 6개월을 마친후에 디플로마 이론수업을 통해서 학위를 얻게 됩니다.



◆ 학비

요리과정 총 학비 $55,517

제과제빵과정 총 학비 $55,562



◆ 입학조건: Year 11 이상(고등학교 졸업자)/ IELTS 5.5(G)


◆ 과정


Certificate lll in Hospitality(Commercial Cookery/Patisserie)-1년과정
- stage 1.1 (2개월)

- stage 1.2 (2개월)

- stage 1.3 (2개월)

- stage 2 - 유급실습(6개월)

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality(Cusine or Patisserie)-1년과정

- stage 3(6개월)

- stage 4(6개월)


Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery/Pattisarie) (12 months)

Stage 1.1
2 months
Stage 1.2
2 months
Stage 1.3
2 months
Stage 2
Industry Placement
6 months
The program incorporates Certificate III



Professional Culinary Management Program (24 Months)
Diplôme Avançé de Gestion Culinaire
Stage 1.1
2 months
Stage 1.2
2 months
Stage 1.3
2 months
Stage 2
Industry Placement
6 months
Stage 3
6 months
Stage 4
6 months
The program incorporates Certificate III, and the coveted Advanced Diploma of Hospitality.




Advanced Diploma of Hospitality(요리)
stage 1.1
SITHCCC001B Organise & prepare food
SITHCCC002A Present food
SITHCCC003B Receive & store kitchen supplies
SITHCCC004B Clean & maintain kitchen premises
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues & customers
SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment
SITXOHS001B Follow health, safety & security procedures
SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
stage 1.2
SITHCCC007A Prepare sandwiches
SITHCCC006A Prepare appetisers & salads
SITHCCC009A Prepare vegetables, fruit, eggs & farinaceous dishes
SITHCCC010A Select, prepare & cook poultry
SITXFSA001A Implement food safety procedures
SITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situations
SITXHRM001A Coach others in job skills
SITHIND001B Develop & update hospitality industry knowledge
SITHCCC014A Prepare pastries, cakes & yeast goods
stage 1.3
SITHCCC011A Select, prepare & cook seafood
SITHCCC026A Establish & maintain quality control of food
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot & cold desserts
SITHCCC012A Select, prepare & cook meat
SITHCCC016A Develop cost-effective menus
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary & cultural needs
HLTFA301B Apply first aid
SITXFSA002A Develop & implement a food safety program
SITHCCC027A Prepare, cook & serve food for food service
Stage 2 - I ndustry Placement
SITHCCC028A Prepare, cook & serve food for menus
SITHCCC015A Plan and prepare food for buffets
SITHCCC024B Select, prepare and serve specialised cuisines
SITHCCC021B Handle and serve cheese
SITHFAB011A Develop and update food and beverage knowledge
SITHCCC040A Design menus to meet market needs
SITXCCS002A Provide quality customer service
SITXMGT004A Develop and implement a business plan
SITXMPR005A Develop and manage marketing strategies
SITXFIN008A Manage financial operations
SITHCCC025A Monitor catering revenue and costs
SITXFIN004A Manage finances within a budget
SITXFIN005A Prepare and monitor budgets
SITXGLC001A Develop and update legal knowledge for business compliance
SITXINV001A Receive and store stock
SITXINV002A Control and order stock
SITXHRM005A Lead and manage people
SITXFIN007A Manage physical assets
SITXMGT002A Develop and implement operational plans
SITXOHS005A Establish and maintain an OHS system
SITXOHS004B Implement and monitor workplace health, safety and security practices
SITXHRM002A Recruit, select and induct staff
SITXHRM003A Roster staff
SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships
SITXHRM007A Manage workplace diversity
SITXMGT001A Monitor work operations
SITXCCS003A Manage quality customer service
SITXHRM006A Monitor staff performance
SITXFIN003A Interpret financial information



Advanced Diploma of Hospitality(제과제빵)
stage 1.1
SITHCCC001B Organise & prepare food
SITHCCC002A Present food
SITHCCC003B Receive & store kitchen supplies
SITHCCC004B Clean & maintain kitchen premises
SITHCCC005A Use basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC008A Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
SITXCOM001A Work with colleagues & customers
SITXCOM002A Work in a socially diverse environment
SITXOHS001B Follow health, safety & security procedures
SITXOHS002A Follow workplace hygiene procedures
stage 1.2
SITHPAT001A Prepare and produce pastries
SITHPAT002A Prepare and produce cakes
SITHPAT006A Present desserts
SITXFSA001A Implement food safety procedures
SITXCOM003A Deal with conflict situations
SITXHRM001A Coach others in job skills
SITHIND001B Develop & update hospitality industry knowledge
SITHPAT003A Prepare and produce yeast goods
SITHCCC013A Prepare hot and cold desserts
stage 1.3
SITHCCC026A Establish & maintain quality control of food
SITHPAT005A Prepare and present gateaux, torten and cakes
SITHPAT008A Prepare and model marzipan
SITHPAT004A Prepare bakery products for patisseries
SITHCCC029A Prepare foods according to dietary & cultural needs
SITXFSA002A Develop and implement a food safety program
TLIE1005A Carry out basic workplace calculations
SITHCCC027A Prepare, cook & serve food for food service
Stage 2 - I ndustry Placement
SITHIND003A Provide and coordinate hospitality service
SITHCCC022A Prepare chocolate and chocolate confectionery
SITHPAT007A Prepare and display petits fours
SITHPAT010A Prepare and display sugar work
SITHPAT011A Plan, prepare and display sweet buffet showpieces
SITHPAT012A Plan pâtisserie operations
SITXCCS002A Provide quality customer service
SITXMGT004A Develop and implement a business plan
SITXMPR005A Develop and manage marketing strategies
SITXFIN008A Manage financial operations
SITHCCC025A Monitor catering revenue and costs
SITXFIN004A Manage finances within a budget
SITXFIN005A Prepare and monitor budgets
SITXGLC001A Develop and update legal knowledge for business compliance
SITXINV001A Receive and store stock
SITXINV002A Control and order stock
SITXHRM005A Lead and manage people
SITXFIN007A Manage physical assets
SITXMGT002A Develop and implement operational plans
SITXOHS005A Establish and maintain an OHS system
SITXOHS004B Implement and monitor workplace health, safety and security practices
SITXHRM002A Recruit, select and induct staff
SITXHRM003A Roster staff
SITXMGT006A Establish and conduct business relationships
SITXHRM007A Manage workplace diversity
SITXMGT001A Monitor work operations
SITXCCS003A Manage quality customer service
SITXHRM006A Monitor staff performance
SITXFIN003A Interpret financial information