호주도우미 - (유학펜)

SELC바리스타 과정 (4주) 할인안내-2013년 9월 본문


SELC바리스타 과정 (4주) 할인안내-2013년 9월

uhakpen 2013. 9. 5. 10:18


SELC바리스타 과정 (4주) 할인안내-2013년 9월



English for Customer Service Communication (ECSC)
Professional Barista Training
호주 워킹홀리데이 학생들이나 커피에 관심이 있으신 분들은 영어와 커피메이킹을 동시에 배우실 수 있는 과정입니다  



기간: 4주
영어레벨: Elementary to Intermediate
입학일자:16 Sep, 14 Oct, 11 Nov, 9 Dec.(2013년도)
입학금 $220
학비: $1560
교재비: $20
External certificates: $180


9월 스페셜가격



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lesson 1
Introduction to course and machines Vocabulary input Listening
A busy day in the café
Analyse and critique customer service in real cafés Training in Sydney Coffee School
10:30-11:00 BREAK
Lesson 2
Putting into practice – taking orders and making coffees Basic telephone language for customer service Reading
Sydney’s Best Cafés
Café reviews Training in Sydney Coffee School
12:30-3:30 LUNCH
Lesson 3
Speaking Practice
Complaining about customer service
Small talk – communicating with costumers Resumé work
Internet research on job vacancies
Post reviews on internet Friday activities with teacher
15:00-15:15 BREAK
15:15-16:00 Supervised Self Study Optional Conversation Club Supervised Self Study Optional Conversation Club
16:00-16:45 Self Study Self Study


수료후 받는 certificate