호주도우미 - (유학펜)

[호주 르꼬르동블루]에들레이드 전통 장인 빵굽기 수업(2일) 본문


[호주 르꼬르동블루]에들레이드 전통 장인 빵굽기 수업(2일)

uhakpen 2016. 10. 13. 18:40

[호주 르꼬르동블루]에들레이드 전통 장인 빵굽기 수업(2일)

오늘은 호주 에들레이드에서 열리는 장인 빵굽기 참관 수업에 관한 내용 알려드려요~

2일에 걸친 단기과정 수업인데요, 여러과정을 거쳐서 만드는 빵 만드는 과정들을 소개하며

효모를 이용한 밀가루 배합등에 관한 사항등도 다루어 진다고 하니, 18세 이상 성인들의 많은 참여 기다립니다

예전부터 단기과정 르꼬르동블루 코스 물어보시는 분들 참고 하시면 될듯 합니다.!

함께 떠나길 원하시는 분은 저희 강남 호주도우미(유학펜) 사무실로 문의 주시기 바랍니다.

인원은 한정되어 있으니, 미리서 서둘러 신청 해 주세요~


Traditional Artisan Bread Baking

Adelaide(호주 애들레이드)

Rival traditional French bakeries as you learn the secret techniques of making bread during this specialized course. At Le Cordon Bleu Adelaide we will teach you the uses of fresh yeast, the different types and qualities of flour, and how to master the various stages of bread baking. All necessary ingredients and equipment are provided, and you take home your day’s work.


AUD $499 per person

Thursday 10th & Friday 11th November 2016
9:00am - 4:00pm

Le Cordon Bleu Adelaide
Regency International Centre, Days Road, Regency Park SA

2-day Traditional Bread Baking Workshop Presentation

The Traditional Bread Baking Workshop covers the whole methodology; how to prepare the flour and notably how to calculate temperatures, process water and the technology behind yeasts. You will also receive training on how to make breads in the traditional way and how to master yeast and leaven and fermentation, a crucial step in making perfect home-made bread.  

You will leave the Traditional Bread Baking Workshop with true expertise and all the recipes covered during the 2 days. You will also be awarded a Certificate of Participation.

On the agenda of the Traditional Bread Baking Workshop

  • The traditional French and European bread baking process and discover recipes which introduce a whole range of different bread variants.
  • Covers the whole methodology; how to prepare the flour and notably how to calculate temperatures, process water and the technology behind yeasts and sourdough culture.
  • Training on how to make breads in the authentic traditional way and how to master yeast, levain and long cool fermentation, a crucial step in making perfect home-made bread.  
    • White bread (baguette and small bread)
    • Country style bread (Potato and Rosemary sourdough)
    • Olive and dried tomato bread – fougasse
    • Rye bread – Rolls and Rye Pie.


Applicants must be at least 18 years of age

Le Cordon Bleu Apron and Tea Towel supplied 

Approximately 6 hours of class per day

Class limited to 12 participants

Tuition: AUD 499.00

Duration: 2 days